Use the 3 free character traits graphic organizers below. Each of the graphic organizers focuses on a different aspect of character traits, and can be used over and over with a suitable fiction story with upper elementary students. Use these graphic organizers after introducing character traits to your upper elementary students. You can download a free printable / pdf version …
Text Feature Anchor Charts
Below are 6 different examples of text feature anchor charts you could use in your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade classroom. Choose the best anchor chart based on the needs of your students.6 Text Feature Anchor Chart Examples1. Introducing Text FeaturesThis type of anchor chart would be great for students just being introduced to text features. It gives the name …
Low Prep Text Features Practice
So your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students have already been introduced to text features (maybe you used this free text feature slideshow or these free charts). Now they need practice – and you need engaging lessons that don’t require a lot of prep. Below are 5 low prep / no prep activities to help you practice and review text …
Text Features Scavenger Hunt Ideas
Going on a text features scavenger hunt is an engaging and low prep way to have upper elementary students practice looking for and analyzing nonfiction text features. There are several ways to set up a scavenger hunt, depending on the needs of your classroom. Find 3 ideas for a text feature scavenger hunt below – as well as a free …
Higher Order Questions for Your Text Feature Lessons
When we question our students about text features, we often focus too much on having students identify different nonfiction text features. While this is essential, it is equally important to get our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students thinking more deeply about text features – moving past knowledge and recall questions and into more higher order thinking questions. Below, find …
3 Activities To Help You Teach Text Features While Integrating Technology
You don’t have to convince upper elementary students that helping students build basic computer skills is important. We already that. That doesn’t make it easy to fit technology integration into our already overcrowded schedules. Having 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students review different skills while using technology is the most efficient and effective way to bring technology into our classrooms. …
Nonfiction Text Features – Review Through Writing
When reviewing nonfiction text features, we often overemphasize being able to name and identify different text features within text. While this is a great place to start (consider using this free slideshow or these free text feature charts to introduce your students), we don’t want to stop there! Having 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students create their own text features …
A Text Feature Book Activity for Student Reference
A fun and easy way to help students practice with the different types of nonfiction text features is to create a text feature book. Creating a text feature book will help strengthen students’ understanding of the purposes of different nonfiction text features. And as an added bonus, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students can use the book as a reference …
Free Text Features Chart
There are so many different types of nonfiction text features – titles, headings, labels, diagrams, captions, photographs, sidebars, bullet points, bold text…the list could go on forever! It’s no wonder that 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students get confused. To help students keep track of the different types of text features, download the free printable below, or check out this …
Free Text Features Slideshow
Use this text features slideshow to help students better understand 18 different text features and build nonfiction comprehension skills. In order for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to comprehend nonfiction text, they must have a good understanding of nonfiction text features. Students should not only be able to identify text features within the text, but they need to understand …