Teaching character traits to upper elementary students can be a complex task. It's more than just reading a fictional story and labeling characters with certain traits. Students must analyze how characters change over time, compare different characters and their traits, use evidence from the text to identify certain character traits, build their character trait vocabulary, and more.
The resources below offer a variety of different activities to help you when teaching character traits to upper elementary students. Use them to differentiate your character trait instruction, plan engaging lessons, and save time.

Ideas for introducing character traits to your 3rd or 4th grade students. Includes a free character traits mobile printable / pdf.

6 low prep ways to help you build your students' character trait vocabulary. Includes a fun twist on "Would You Rather Questions."

3 free character traits lists - Includes a list of positive character traits, negative character traits, and synonyms for more common character traits.

Use these 36 questions to help plan your character trait lessons while making sure you are promoting higher level thinking skills with your upper elementary students!

No prep ideas on ways to integrate writing into your lesson plans while teaching character traits. All your 3rd or 4th grade students will need is a pencil and paper!

3 free character trait graphic organizers. Includes a graphic organizer that compares 2 characters, a graphic organizer that requires evidence from the text, and more.

Ideas for incorporating a character traits word wall into your classroom third or fourth grade classroom. Great for building character trait vocabulary. Includes a free template.

Help your students practice character traits in an engaging way. These character trait centers / games are fun for 3rd and 4th grade students.

A free character traits slideshow to use with your class - includes character trait vocabulary building activities!

Trying to figure out what would make the best student reference for your character trait unit? Check out these 8 different character trait anchor chart ideas.
The character trait links above provide free ideas, activities, and printables you can use when teaching character traits to your elementary students. The activities included will work best for 3rd grade and 4th grade, although many of the activities could be adapted to reach younger (2nd grade) or older (5th grade) students.
The activities above address the following Common Core Standards:
Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).
Teaching Character Traits? You Need This Freebie!