We all know the importance of teaching and reviewing rules and classroom procedures. As upper elementary school teachers, we are bombarded with recommendations to have clear expectations and practice routines and procedures constantly, particularly the first week of school, and then to keep practicing them throughout the school year.
But how do you teach and review procedures over and over again without boring your 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students? Below are 17 different ways to practice and review classroom procedures the first week of school and then again throughout the school year.
Need ideas for setting up different procedures? Check these out. And make sure you aren't missing any procedures with this free procedures checklist.
Fun Ideas to Reinforce Your Procedures and Rules
1. Use a Find Someone Who Freebie
This free Classroom Procedures Find Somebody Who challenges students to find different people in the classroom to explain different procedures to them. It is a fun, interactive way for students to review procedures after they have been taught.
Like this activity? Check out these other ways to use Find Someone Who in your classroom.
2. Create a Class Book of Procedures
3. Create Individual Books of Procedures
4. Take Pictures
As you go throughout the school day, take pictures of students who are correctly following classroom routines. Post those pictures next to a word wall in your classroom for students to use as reference.
You could also assign the picture taking as one of your classroom jobs.
5. Create Anchor Charts
6. Rewrite a Story
Integrate writing while also teaching classroom procedures! Write a short story where classroom routines are clearly not being followed. Have students rewrite the story, making sure the main character follows the correct procedures.
7. Act It Out
8. Video or Slide Presentations
9. Create A Classroom Procedure Foldable
You can assign specific procedures for students to explain, or let them choose.
There are a lot of no prep foldable options that students could create to review classroom procedures. Check out these ideas.

10. Write A Song or Poem
Assign a procedure to small groups or pairs of students, and have them write a song or poem about the procedure. Your bolder students can present these to the class!
If your students are intimidated by poetry writing, then have them start with one of these shorter, less intimidating forms of poetry.
11. Use Blabberize
12. Find the Fib
13. Create a Comic Strip
Prepare your students for state testing with this Scaffolded Short & Extended Constructed Response Resource. It includes:
- restate the question practice
- paragraph frames
- sentence starters
- no prep worksheets
- ...and more
Help even your struggling students feel more confident. Get it for more than 20% off right now!
14. Write a How To or Procedure Essay
15. Quick Write
For a quick filler activity, have students list everything they can think of related to one of your classroom procedures in one minute.
If you struggle with getting your students to write, then check out these ideas for making writing fun.
16. Compare and Contrast
17. Draw a Picture
Don't just teach classroom procedures the first day of school. Upper elementary students need practice throughout the school year. After Christmas Break and Spring Break, for example, are essential times to reteach classroom routines and expectations.
Review routines after getting new students as well. It will help the new students feel more comfortable, while your other students will benefit from the additional reminders!
Make sure your students know these routines backwards and forwards:
Never Stress Over Sub Plans Again!

Make copies, find a fiction book, and you'll be ready for any emergency that comes your way!
Comments 1
These ideas are great. I am a big fan on procedures but students forget them…or so they say. (LOL) These ideas are brilliant!!! Thank you.