How to Use This Free Theme Slideshow
The free slideshow above can help you teach your 3rd grade, 4th grade, or 5th grade students how to determine the theme of a story.
It includes short reading passages where students have to identify the best theme, activities to help students practice distinguishing between the theme and main idea, and writing activities to reinforce what students have learned have learned, and examples of theme.
This slideshow is best used for practice or review after students have already been introduced to the theme, especially if you are using with 6th grade students.
If you are looking for activities to introduce theme or if your students are really struggling, check out these activities and ideas to help you teach theme.
You might also like some of my other free slideshows:

Teaching theme soon? This no prep cut and paste activity will make a great addition to your lessons.
Comments 6
Hi Kalena,
I love your stuff but I can’t download the theme slideshow. When I go to the site, it asks me to sign up and then takes me to another site.
Hey Gabrielle!
Right now it’s for viewing only. It’s on my to do list to make this downloadable. I’m sorry about any inconvenience!
Thank you for sharing everything! I cannot get your slideshows, everything is down. Did you move to a new website? Is that something on your end or mine?
Thanks, Julie
Hi Julia! I’m not sure why you are unable to get to the slideshows – I wish I could help!
I could get it at home, I guess you are blocked at school! Figures!
Thanks for sharing!
🙁 . If you go to Slideshare where this slideshow is hosted, you might be able to download it to your computer so that you can use it at school!