This free slideshow will help make your theme lessons plans for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students easier.

Practice Determining the Theme – Slideshow

Identifying the Theme of a Story Slideshow from kbaker4 How to Use This Free Theme SlideshowThe free slideshow above can help you teach your 3rd grade, 4th grade, or 5th grade students how to determine the theme of a story. It includes short reading passages where students have to identify the best theme, activities to help students practice distinguishing between …

Free Text Features Slideshow

Use this text features slideshow to help students better understand 18 different text features and build nonfiction comprehension skills. In order for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to comprehend nonfiction text, they must have a good understanding of nonfiction text features. Students should not only be able to identify text features within the text, but they need to understand …