Questions and Activities for teaching the read aloud Those Shoes

Questions and Activity Ideas for Teaching the Read Aloud Those Shoes

questions and activity ideas for your 3rd, 4th , and 5th grade lesson plans for the read aloud Those Shoes for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom

Those Shoes is a compelling read aloud about a young boy who cannot afford the pair of shoes that he really wants. The themes of generosity and friendship make it a great picture book to help you set a positive classroom culture in your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade classroom. Below, find questions and activity ideas to use in your 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade lesson plans when reading Those Shoes.

This book's sentence structure and vocabulary are not complicated, so it is often used in younger grade levels. However, the themes of this book are very appropriate and valuable for upper elementary students.  

Summary of the Read Aloud Those Shoes

A lot of the boys in Jeremy's class get a special pair of shoes, and Jeremy wants them, too. He needs new winter boots, though, and Jeremy's Grandma says the shoes are too expensive. Jeremy finds a pair of those shoes at a thrift store. He buys them, even though they are too small. When he notices that another boy in his class, Antonio, has smaller feet and torn up shoes, he eventually decides to give the shoes to Antonio.
Those Shoes
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Before, During, and After Reading Questions for the Read Aloud Those Shoes

Use these questions while reading Those Shoes to your students. Or, check out these before, during, and after questions that you can use with ANY book.  

Before Reading Questions

  • Take a look at the title and cover page. What can you predict about the characters in the story?
  • Based on the title and cover page, what do you think the main problem of the story will be? What are some possible solutions?
  • What is the difference between needs and wants? Can you give an example of something you need? Something you want?

During Reading Questions

  • What are the main settings of the story? What time of year is it?
  • How do you think Jeremy feels when he gets a free pair of Velcro shoes? Can you think of a time you had a similar experience?
  • How do you think this story will end?  Why?

After Reading Questions

  • What is the main theme of the story? What do you think the author wanted you to learn?
  • How do you think Jeremy's gift will impact his friendship with Antonio?
  • What was Jeremy's problem? Did he solve this problem?

Activity Ideas to Use In Your Those Shoes Lesson Plans

Teaching Character Traits

Have your students discuss different character traits that they notice in Jeremy. Display this free character trait word list if they need some ideas.

Then, have them use the free report card graphic organizer that you can find here. This graphic organizer asks students to "grade" a character on his or her traits. Have your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students think about how well Jeremy displayed character traits like generosity, contentment, perseverance, kindness, and athleticism and use the graphic organizer to "grade" him.

Think About Theme

Since there is a clear message that the author is trying to teach through this book, Those Shoes is great for teaching theme!

Ask students questions that help focus on the theme of the book. 

  • What do you think the author wants you to learn?
  • How did Jeremy change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?
  • How can you apply what Jeremy learned to your own life?

This Theme Scavenger Hunt makes a great follow up activity if you are teaching theme. Students go on a "scavenger hunt" and read the provided short stories that have a clear theme. Then, they sort each of the stories based on their theme.

Finding the theme scavenger hunt activity for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade

Have Students Design Their Own Shoe

Use this free shoe template or this free shoe template and have students design their own shoe. Integrate writing by having them use their shoe as inspiration for their own fiction story or write a short description of their shoe.

Complete a No Prep Reading Response Activity

Any one of these fiction reading response activity ideas can be used with Those Shoes - or any other fiction book you read with your upper elementary students. Choose one that suits your needs!

Discuss Needs Vs. Wants

In Those Shoes, Jeremy really wants the shoes everyone else has, but his Grandma tells him he needs a pair of winter boots. Have students discuss the difference between needs and wants using this free activity. 

You might also like some of these other books that teach kindness and empathy. 

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