Classroom jobs are a great way to help get 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students excited about helping out in the classroom. And as a HUGE added bonus, having an organized classroom job system can really help save you time.
The classroom jobs list below contains 32 possible jobs you could have in your upper elementary classroom. Not every classroom job will work in every classroom, so pick and choose the jobs that work for you.
Rotating jobs daily or weekly can add stress to your life instead of being helpful. If you need help implementing a classroom job system that actually helps save you time and stress, check out this system!
Making these jobs meaningful for students will help them take ownership and complete their jobs with care. Make sure students understand how their job is helping you and helping the classroom. If you don't see the job as actually helpful, don't assign it to your students.
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Classroom Jobs List: 32 Ideas
1. Line Leader
This student is the first person in line and responsible for leading your class in the hallway. The line leader has to know how to get to different places around the school.
This student could also be responsible for stopping in certain places to wait for anyone whom might be lagging behind.
2. Caboose
3. Hallway Monitor
4. Bathroom Monitors
5. Door Holder
6. Lights Monitor
7. Encourager
8. Clipboard Holder
9. Bag Carrier
This student is responsible for carrying anything you might need to transport when you are going from one place to another.
These teacher bags are perfect for this job. 🙂
10. New Student Helper
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11. Emergency Drill Assistant
12. Attendance Monitor
13. Trash Monitor
14. Recycling Monitor
15. Zookeeper
16. Botanist
17. Materials Manager
18. Paper Passer Outer
19. Board Cleaner
20. Uniform Checker
21. Librarian
22. Cutting Assistant
23. Pencil Sharpener
This student is responsible for sharpening pencils for you or for the entire class, depending on how you manage pencil procedures in your classroom.
The pencil sharpener below is popular amongst teachers who have been driven crazy by the manual pencil sharpeners that schools provide.
24. Technology Assistant
25. Chair Stacker
26. Photographer
27. Desk Checker
28. Hand Sanitizer Assistant
29. Reminder Monitor
This student responsible for reminding you of things you forgot to do, or things you knew you might forget to do later.
For example, if you are in the hallway and notice a student doing something exceptionally kind, ask the reminder monitor to remind you to reward that student later - perhaps with one of these fun ways to celebrate kindness in the classroom.
Or, if you know you will need to remind your students about an upcoming field trip at the end of the day, ask the reminder monitor to remind you of that at the end of the day.
Or, if you consistently forget to take attendance, the reminder monitor can be responsible for reminding you of this daily.
30. Substitute
31. Errand Runner
32. Kindness Monitor/Recorder
This kindness job could work in a variety of ways - whatever you classroom needs the most.
You could have a kindness recorder - someone who is assigned to record any kindness you see. Keep track of kindness in the classroom all year.
Or, have a student be in charge of looking for opportunities to be kind to other students in the classroom.
Check out these other ideas for creating a culture of kindness in your upper elementary classroom.
Bonus Classroom Job Idea: Teacher's Helper
Choosing what jobs to give your students is easy - creating a system that is useful and easy to implement is the important part. Check out this easy to manage classroom job system.
You might also find some of these other classroom management ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade useful.
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