Use this text features slideshow to help students better understand 18 different text features and build nonfiction comprehension skills.
In order for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to comprehend nonfiction text, they must have a good understanding of nonfiction text features. Students should not only be able to identify text features within the text, but they need to understand the purpose of each of the text features and how it can help them understand nonfiction text more easily.
For example, when upper elementary students understand that headings divide the the text into easier to read sections and tell what those sections are about, it is much easier for them to identify the main topic of different sections.
When students understand that special print, like bold and italics, is included to point out important words, then they are more easily able to figure out what is most important in the text.
This free text feature chart can be used as a printable option for teaching about text features.
Nonfiction Text Features Slideshow
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A no prep resource to help your students learn the purposes of the most common text features!
Comments 6
Thanks for awesome resources!
you are welcome
Thank you for sharing your great slides. They are so clearly written and engaging for the students!!
Thank you for sharing your cool ideas. I look forward to using these resources and appreciate how clearly and neatly they are.
I am so happy I discovered your sight.
Thanks for all your work and creativity.
T. Taylor
I just discovered your website and am very impressed by the content and ideas you are offering. I’m looking forward to exploring more!
Thank you! Hope you find some useful resources!