fun and free Valentine's Day Activities for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade (math, reading)

Free Valentine’s Day Activities

fun and free Valentine's Day Activities for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade (math, reading)

Check out these free Valentine's Day activities – a fun way for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to celebrate this February holiday while still learning!

These free resources have been created by a variety of upper elementary teachers, not just Teaching Made Practical.  Find math activities, ELA activities, and some some just for fun Valentine's Day Activities.

Free Valentine's Day Math Activities

Valentine's Day Fraction Task Cards
Students answer Valentine's Day themed questions that have them practicing their fraction skills. This is a fun way for students to review fractions while celebrating Valentine's Day. An answer key is included.

Valentine's Day Math Games and Word Problems
This includes a 3 digit addition/subtraction game with a recording sheet and Valentine's Day themed word problems. No answer key is included.

Valentine's Day Multiplication Bingo
Have students play multiplication Bingo on a Valentine's Day themed game board.

Conversation Heart Graphing
Each student needs a box or handful of conversation hearts. Students graph these hearts in a variety of ways.

a free fraction review activity for Valentine's Day
You might also like these fun math maze freebies for any time of year!

Prepare your students for state testing with this Scaffolded Short & Extended Constructed Response Resource. It includes:

  • restate the question practice
  • paragraph frames
  • sentence starters
  • no prep worksheets
  • ...and more

Help even your struggling students feel more confident. Get it for more than 20% off right now! 

Free Valentine's Day Literacy Fun

Valentine's Day Reading Comprehension and Questions
This includes a reading comprehension passage about Valentine's Day and questions based on the passage.

Read and Follow Directions Valentine's Day Activity
Students must read and follow directions to create a Valentine's Day activity. The directions allow for some creativity and fun on the students' part.

Valentine's Day Writing Prompts
8 writing prompts (writing paper included) to help your upper elementary students get their creative writing juices flowing. Includes things like writing a letter, filling out an acrostic poem, and more.

Valentine's Day: Just for Fun Freebies

Valentine's Day Kindness Activity
Students write kind words about each of their classmates! A great way to encourage students to think about others.

You might also like these other ideas to cultivate kindness in your upper elementary classroom.

Valentine's Day Party - Note to Parents
A note you can send home to parents preparing them for a Valentine's Day Party. 3 options are provided, depending on if you want the party to include snacks or not. An editable version is included.

Valentine's Day Would You Rather Questions
Some fun Valentine's Day themed "Would You Rather..." questions that get students laughing, talking, and thinking!

Valentine's Day Bookmarks
Print in color as a gift to students or have students color in their own bookmark with the blank and white version.

Check out these other free printables to use in your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade classroom - including a Black History Month Freebie.  

Never Stress Over Sub Plans Again!

Valentine's Day Fraction Freebie for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students

Get a Valentine's Day Fraction Freebie Here!

    Comments 10

    1. Hi! 🙂 I had to come check out your site…love…because I have had over 40 visits to my store from here. Thanks for providing a link to my free Valentine’s Party planner! 🙂 So sweet of you!! <3 Karen (Kinder Teamwork)

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        Thanks for your interest! I don’t have any Spanish resources, and the resources are not editable. They might not work well for your classroom. However, if you are still interested in accessing my resources, you can find out more here.

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