The end of the school year in an upper elementary classroom is exciting and exhausting all at same time. With field days, end of the year parties, graduations, report cards, and everything else that happens at the end of the year, it is easy to become overwhelmed. It is also easy to use this time for activities that do not keep students learning.
Below you will find:
- Activities, resources, and ideas to help keep students engaged and learning even at the end of the year
- End of year party ideas for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students
- Questions and ideas to help you reflect on this past school year so that you can make changes that will make the upcoming year even better
- Ideas for relaxing this summer and taking time for you
- Low prep activities to help you manage your time at the end of the year

Countdowns to summer can be a fun way to celebrate the end of the school year. Check out these 7 fun countdown ideas!

Find 9 low prep activities for last days of the school year. These activities include engaging ways for students to reflect on the past school year, prepare for the next school year, and keep learning during the summer.

Upper elementary students (and teachers) can often lose motivation at the end of the school year after testing is over. Check out these 17 ideas for keeping students engaged and learning after testing is over.

End of year party ideas for your upper elementary students. A variety of ideas, including some very low prep ways to help your students celebrate the last days of school.

The end of the school year is a great time to compare and contrast a book and a movie! This doesn't have to be a "fluff" activity - this can be a very meaningful activity if the right questions are asked!

The end of the year (or after school gets out) is a great time for teachers to reflect on the past school year in order to improve on the next. Find questions and ideas for helping you make next school year better and less stressful.

Whether you are looking for something personal, meaningful, or affordable, one of these end of year student gift ideas will work for your upper elementary classroom!

Simple, yet meaningful activities and ideas to keep students writing at the end of the school year! These 8 ideas are ideal for upper elementary students.
These activities for the last days of school are best suited for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students. However, they can be adapted for younger or older students as necessary.