End of school year countdowns can be a fun way for both teachers and students to celebrate the school year. (Although, if you’re anything like me, you probably started counting down the days until summer as soon as Spring Break was over!) Some 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers want to go all out, while others have had such a …
End of Year Party Ideas for Upper Elementary
You’ve seen the memes. “There’s no tired like end of year teacher tired!” The end of the school year is exhausting. Part of the exhaustion comes from trying to come up with party ideas and planning an end of year party. Check out the mostly low prep ideas below to help you plan a fun end of year party for …
Christmas Party Ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
Christmas always sneaks up on me as a teacher. The week of our Christmas / holiday party, I would begin scrambling around for activities and gift ideas. If your brain is fried, then these Christmas party ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classrooms should help! There are Christmas class party activities and ideas that require little to no prep …