Use fraction cards for a variety of low prep math games in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade

8 Fraction Centers Students Can Play Using Fraction Cards

I don’t know any 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade student that wouldn’t benefit from fraction centers that provide more practice and review with fractions. It’s a difficult skill that requires a solid base of understanding. Drills, worksheets, and other district mandated curriculum can get boring fast, so finding ways to make fractions more engaging is essential if students are going …

This Valentine's Day Fraction Freebie is a great way for your 3rd and 4th grade students to review fractions in a fun way

A Free Fraction Activity for Valentine’s Day

Keeping students on task and engaged around Valentine’s Day is hard. The excitement – and the candy – that comes with this holiday can be a distraction for many 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students. Use this free Valentine’s Day fraction activity to help keep students engaged and learning while still celebrating Valentine’s Day.Free Fraction Valentine’s Day ActivityThis Valentine’s Day …

10 Ways to Use a Blank Number Grid for No Prep Math Lessons in 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

10 Ways to Use Number Grids in Upper Elementary

Ever had one of those days? The kind where you are constantly interrupted by ridiculousness from your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade studetns? The end of the day was finally approaching, and I’ll admit it – I was exhausted. And my math block was almost over, having been taken up by several behavior problems (one of which involved fireworks). There …